
Why VR Conferences are the future and how they can benefit your business

Why VR Conferences are the future and how they can benefit your business

There are many reasons that conferences can benefit businesses. They can bring together people from a range of locations, backgrounds and companies, and offer the chance to meet with old connections. They can enable you to present work to others in the same field as you, to raise awareness of your product or service and to expand your own knowledge base. Yet there are some detriments. They can be difficult to get to, require staff to take time away from the office and can be very costly. This is why the future of conferencing could look very different to the conferences we know today – all thanks to virtual reality. As the popularity of VR continues to grow, the opportunities and experiences it can offer are becoming ever more apparent. From ease of access to lower costs, here are some of the reasons that VR conferences are the future for businesses. 

Morningstar’s #MICDigital Conference 2020, hosted through Gatherings

They are better for the planet

Many conferences involve travel and people can journey from far and wide in order to attend. This could mean travelling by aeroplane, train, car or another method. In 2018, Aviation alone contributed to around 2.4 of global CO2 emissions and was responsible for about 5% of global warming. This showcases the detrimental effect on the environment that travel can have and business travel contributes to a large portion of this. VR can help to combat this issue as people can access the conference from anywhere in the world, without having to leave their home or office. Virtual reality negates the need for a business trip, cutting emissions and reducing the implications of travel.

They require less time away from the office

While conferences are useful for future productivity, they can also take someone away from the office for a long period of time. Depending on where the conference is being held, the employee will likely need a day for travel, a day (or a few days) to attend the conference, and then a day to travel back. This all takes away from work that needs to be done and will mean it is either left to other colleagues to pick up (taking away from their own work) or will pile up for their return. A VR conference, on the other hand, will only take away time for the conference itself, without any need to travel and will only require attendees to attend the parts that will be most relevant to them.

They encourage greater productivity

Video conferences have seen steady growth in popularity over recent years, yet while they are good, they aren’t anywhere near a substitute for the real thing. They can still feel very impersonal and disconnected, with attendees constantly reminded that they are not in an actual conference. In comparison, a VR conference will whisk those taking part into a corporate setting, instantly instilling a sense of formality. They will feel the same sense of engagement and productivity that they would feel if they were physically attending a conference.


They can open conferences to a wider audience

As conferences can require people to travel a great distance, it is not only expensive and time-consuming but can also restrict the number of people who can go. By holding the conference in virtual reality, those from anywhere around the globe can take part. All they need is the headset and a ticket and they will be able to attend. This could enhance future business opportunities and create more connections too. It also means the organiser can sell more tickets and make more profit as they aren’t restricted by the size of the venue.

The information can be accessed again once the event is over

Once a conference ends, that is it and you can’t watch it again. This could mean that you miss valuable information or news. With a VR conference, you can access it hours, days or even weeks after it has ended, meaning that you can continue to reap the benefits. You may find out new facts or information, or be able to analyse how the conference could be improved in the future.

VR conferences offer all the benefits of a physical one, but without the time out of the office, travel expenses and time limits. They can take conferencing up a level, enabling you to make better connections, source more lucrative business deals and so much more. Get in touch to find out more.

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